School-Based Case Management
The School-Based Case Management program was started 20 years ago at J.P. King, Jr. Middle School in the City of Franklin. Since it was started, the program has worked with at-risk students and their families to achieve promotion to the next grade level and stay out of contact with the juvenile court system. Learn more below how we are…
Making a difference, one student at a time.

The City of Franklin is a small, rural community in the Western Tidewater Region. It is a vibrant town that has some signficant struggles due to a high poverty rate for families and children in the community. We seek to be a good partner to the leaders and community stakeholders in preventing youth from entering the juvenile justice system.
Demographically, here is what our program particiapants experience:
100% of program youth are African-American
71% are male.
88% of the students live in a single parent household, and 19% report receiving help and care from another relative.
100% of the students were a part of the free and reduced lunch program.
49% of parents/guardians do not have a high school diploma
Only an additional 4% have earned their GED.

The above demographics of the program youth are concerning, but they are not limitations to how successful our youth can be.
For the past five years:
Between 95%-100% of youth earn their promotion to their next grade level.
Between 90%-95% do not have any contact with the court system.
Overall, the number out-of-school suspension, in-school suspensions, days absent, and referrals all declined for program youth from pre-program to post-program.
Overall, average GPA increased for program youth improved (went up!) from pre-program to post-program.
How to Help:
- Establish a scholarship fund for students who are served by the School-Based Program and then graduate from high school and pursue college.
- Partner with us to provide tours of your business and/or community service opportunities.
- Provide a financial gift of any amount to help at-risk Franklin youth become productive members of the community.

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